Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Running 4 big mistake to lose weight

One of myth: as long as the exercise more, can achieve weight loss

Movement can consume the calories, but only on exercise for weight loss effect is not obvious, studies have shown that even play tennis for several hours a day, but as long as the drink one or two more listening to the sweet drinks or eat more a few western-style pastry, worked so hard to lose weight results will be wiped out.Therefore, to obtain lasting weight loss, in addition to exercise, also should be reasonable control on diet.

Myth # 2: sports health on an empty stomach

People always worry about games on an empty stomach for storage of glycogen consume low blood glucose reaction, such as dizziness, fatigue, flustered, adverse to health.But Dallas bodybuilding center stack palmer doctoral research thinks, 1 -- 2 hours before meals (i.e., on an empty stomach) for moderate exercise, such as walking, dancing, jogging, biking, etc., can help you to lose weight.This is because at this time no new fatty acids into the fat cells in the body, get rid of excess fat by more easily (especially postpartum fat), the effect reducing weight is superior to the sport after the meal.In addition, due to the amount of exercise is appropriate, less heat consumption, the energy stored in the body enough to use, does not affect the health.

Myth # 3: jogging 30 minutes every day to lose weight

30 minutes of jogging can achieve the purpose of the aerobic exercise, but weight loss effect is little, practice has proved that only lasted longer than about 40 minutes, the body fat can be mobilised for can with glycogen, with the extension of time, the fat ratio can reach 85% of the total consumption of energy.Visible, regardless of the strength size less than about 40 minutes of movement, fat consumption is not obvious.

Mistake # 4: the exercise intensity, the greater the movement, the more intense, the better the effect reducing weight

Only persistent low intensity aerobic exercise can consume the excess fat, this is due to the low intensity exercise muscle mainly using the oxidation of fatty acids for energy, so fat fast.Exercise intensity increases, the proportion of fat consumption accounts for only 15%.So easy and gentle, long time of low intensity exercise or maintained in 100-100 beats per minute long campaign is the most conducive to lose weight.

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