Sunday, September 11, 2016

Why is WebVR such a big deal for the future of VR?

Why is WebVR such a big deal for the future of VR? There are several key reasons.


One of the questions that keep coming back in the VR world is: how do we get people to come back to their headsets.  The industry answer so far has been to bring content to the headsets through the app stores. WebVR opens the door to a much more scalable approach: bringing headsets to the content. We should focus on bringing the content where the audience is, which is Facebook, LinkedIn, WordPress, Reddit, Twitter, Google search results… all those online publishing platforms who have a much wider and pre-existing reach compared to the brand new VR app stores. The web has already disrupted the distribution of music, images and videos, VR content is next.


VR is very fragmented right now. There is a new VR headset hitting the market pretty much every week, with its own ecosystem (app store, controllers etc…). WebVR does a lot of the hard work to enable cross platform compatibility. In other words, it’s rather straightforward to make a WebVR experience compatible with all headsets, whereas for native builds you have to build for each headset.


It’s 2016, people don’t want to download things. They want content that is one click away. WebVR is the only way I know to allow VR to be one click away.
WebVR doesn’t mean we don’t need app stores, of course. Advanced games and long-form movies will offer a better experience if downloaded, and many people looking for content will head to the app stores to find it. The great thing is that WebVR is totally compatible with native apps and app store distribution. I expect to see more and more native apps embedding WebVR content, so they can benefit from the store distribution too, while leveraging the web as a scalable infrastructure.
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